Pork tenderloin, apple cider, apple cider vinegar, and maple syrup make this dish both sweet and tangy. Double the sauce for dipping, if desired. I usually...
Quick-cooking pork cutlets in a lemony marinade are topped off with a flavorful crust. Easy and quick enough for a weeknight, fancy and flavorful enough...
This is one meal to impress dinner guests that will not break the bank nor will it take very much time! Served with a green salad, red potatoes, and asparagus,...
I'm sharing not only what I think is the perfect fall roast, but two key culinary skills-how to properly cook lean meat and how to make a fast, easy, and...
A new use for pomegranate juice! Try using fresh pomegranates, de-seeding them, and whirling the arils in a small food processor, and then straining to...
This is a simple and flavorful recipe. For best results, marinate the pork at least 8 hours (overnight is best) and flip it after 4 hours. It's great with...
A new use for pomegranate juice! Try using fresh pomegranates, de-seeding them, and whirling the arils in a small food processor, and then straining to...
This is one of my favorite meals: pork tenderloin medallions atop crisp steamed greens, drizzled with a robust olive oil and lime juice dressing. It is...
A wonderful overnight marinade makes the pork so flavorful - serve with the delicious, creamy mustard sauce. A super dish for buffets and potlucks, as...
This pork tenderloin cooks all day in the slow cooker with a creamy Dijon and sour cream sauce. It melts in your mouth. I serve it with mashed potatoes...
I created this recipe through a series of trial and error. As they say, practice makes perfect. You can make the marinade and cook the loin immediately...
This sweet and spicy tenderloin recipe is super easy! Make it as spicy as you like by adding more or different types of chili peppers. This version is...
I loved the combination of herbs and spices that acted as both a wet rub for the pork and seasoning for the potatoes and vegetables--sweetness from the...
This is a combination of several pork recipes. The lemon/lime juice makes it absolutely divine, and the apples and bacon complements the tenderloin beautifully....
I love this recipe because it's very easy and very much an under-20-minute recipe when you are in a hurry! I serve it with garlic mashed potatoes and a...
One of my family's favorites. If you aren't a garlic fan, pass on this one. A diet breaker, but worth it. Pork tenderloin are often sold 2 to a bag, so...
This is one of my favorite meals: pork tenderloin medallions atop crisp steamed greens, drizzled with a robust olive oil and lime juice dressing. It is...
I cooked this for a date, and he told me it was the best meal anyone besides his momma had ever cooked for him! That's a terrific compliment, being from...
I cooked this for a date, and he told me it was the best meal anyone besides his momma had ever cooked for him! That's a terrific compliment, being from...
I cooked this for a date, and he told me it was the best meal anyone besides his momma had ever cooked for him! That's a terrific compliment, being from...
This is a great pork recipe. Mustard is a classic with pork, but when you add the extra zing of horseradish and cayenne, and then smooth it out with a...
If you leave Indiana, nobody will know what you are talking about. But if you come visit us, you will make it a point to grab one of these on your next...